Preventative Medical Examination for Men

As a professional with a busy schedule and a high-pressure career, you know that scheduling regular medical check-ups can sometimes slip through the cracks. EHM offers you the opportunity to undergo a full health assessment in just half a day with a Preventive Medical Examination. The Preventive Medical Examination can be extended to include examinations geared to men, including essential regular prostate exams, even if you are not experiencing any symptoms. We will also examine your urinary bladder and provide you with the opportunity to ask all your health-related questions.

Additional Tests for Men

In addition to the tests conducted as part of the Preventive Medical Examination, EHM conducts the following additional tests and examinations for men:

  • Uroflowmetry test
  • Post-void residual (PVR) urine test
  • Prostate ultrasound

In short, Preventive Medical Examination for Men

Our Preventive Medical Examination for Men provides you with a complete picture of your overall health in just a few hours. Our specialists will provide you with personal advice, including any options for follow-up treatment. You will be referred to a specialist if this is necessary or on your request. This care may be either curative or preventive in nature and provided either in the Netherlands or abroad.